Released July 31st, 2016
Full Band Name: Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus
Check 'em Out for Yourself:
Notes I had taken:
- My first impression of the material in general was “this is fun”, and I mean it. When the albums starts it feels like you just stumbled upon a secret underground party. It’s an energy mine field.
It was impossible to ignore that there was a lot going on in
this EP. To be forward about it, it displayed aspects of several different
genres ranging from metalcore shouting, thrashy guitar riffs, and deathcore
composed drumming. It was a fucking trip. It felt like time travel with all the
grind and slam, but the high quality production made it feel like you were in a
high tech state of the art space craft.
- The vocals were a spectacle. They touched upon many different styles of vocalization in this little EP that was nothing short of impressive. There was everything from rugged metalcore shouting to well refined slam gutturals. It was apparent that this vocalist knew their way around a mic booth. The entire EP was sopping with raw rhetoric but what really stuck out to me was how long homeboy could hold a note.
- The guitars were restless. They were sweeping and shredding every chance they saw, however they weren’t shy about heavy chill grooves. There were obvious elements about the album and it was clear that was meditated by the guitar.
- The drums were having a blast, pun intended. The musician really has stamina. It was striking how long he could hold a blast beat and a solid double bass kick. Personally, the drums were so free flowing and tight knot that it gave the EP a killer jam session vibe.
- The timing of this album was comparable to that of a free form jazz album. I have to confess that the timing was one of the most noticeable things about this material. The switch ups really made the whole thing interactive, like a chaotic pop-up book.
- The production of this little EP is clean. This was mixed and mastered with the love and care of a full length album. For only being a handful of songs it had some crystal clear clarity that was to die for.
Good job whomever you are, you’re doing
- This is a very very short EP. There are only 4 songs but each one is prosperously uppity. It’s a strong opener for being a debut, despite only being a good 12 minutes and some change. It’s sure to leave a lasting impression on listeners of all musical inclination.
Overall: This is a goliath of an EP. It hit all the walls
for me. It really did feel like I was at a twilight zone party with all these different metal energies from between the years 2007-2015. Thanks for the trip guys. I look forward to a full length album if you ever feel so inclined. Just please don't pull your dick out.
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