Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bong Rips For Jesus- The Last Session Of The Dopified Apostles 2016

                                                                                                  Released September 16, 2016

Bong Rips For Jesus

The Last Sessions of Dopified Apostles

Smoke About It:




Notes I took:

  • Production was on point. Aside from being well written, this album was well recorded and carefully produced. It shined the most through the clarity of the percussion; I could hear every little beat and tempo switch up. I also like that the bass was mixed more into the foreground of the material giving it a more natural attendance.

  • Put that sample in your pipe and smoke it. I loved all the marijuana references and movie samples. The variety of samples was a delight. I felt like the samples were a form of comic relief amongst the slam party; personally which I found to give the material a deathcore feel.

 On a lighter note. I really dig the track titles. I thought it was a solid combination of silly and graphic simultaneously, which was perfect reflection of what the general energy of the album was doing anyway. The titles synced up well with the general concept without over reaching or being too oblong.
  • Tokes for Vocs. This vocalist is outstanding to me. He straight up reminded me of a young Bozeman at times, it was that impressive. I was excited throughout the whole album over the vocals. Dude has this murderous guttural matched in perfect contrast with this squelchy throaty high. In terms of energy he ranged comfortably around the slam and deathcore areas; I gave him meaningless point for throwing in the mix a pig squeal or two, and an old school deathcore “BLEEEEGHK”.

  • Splifftars. There was nothing disappointing whatsoever about the guitars in this material. They slammed and grooved all over the place. As uncomplicated as slam riffs tend to be, this album was zested nicely with deathcore like nutmeg atop a brandy alexander. There were strategically placed breakdowns that really pushed the boundaries of the general energy of the album.

  • BASSically. The material did embody a certain stoner vibe through more than just the obvious playful pot advocacy. The bass brought a heavy beat down feel to the sound that complimented the slams. I felt like it brought a little texture to the party.

Ultimately. This album is a gift to both death metal and the cannabis culture alike. However you feel about pot, this is material is uplifting and lovely. It would be more than appropriate to blaze a blunt or do six dabs to the face to this album. Or just jam it, your call. Hail Satan.

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