Friday, October 21, 2016

Diarrhea Anointment- Smegma 2016 [Exclusive Pre-Release Review]

                                                                                            Released October 24, 2016

Diarrhea Anointment


Look Into It:



Things I thought:

  • Out of Charter. On the grounds that I have encountered this band a couple of times now, I feel comfortable remarking upon my initial observation that this EP is different. And that is saying a lot considering this band is no stranger to strange.

  • Are You Serious? It feels a lot more oriented and focused, not only in general vibe but also instrumentally. Matter of fact this material is rather melodic. The band takes on new waters in a more serious demeanor. What differentiates this EP from the rest is an element of consistency; a trait not commonly known to the likes of Noise where the band has deep roots.  

  • Getting Involved. It was quickly apparent from the lovely intro to the charming outro that there is much more inclusion of drums and guitars to the general compilation. But would good would that be if it weren’t enjoyable? Because enjoy it I did. The drums and guitar were like a featured asset in the material being more a part of the main structure as opposed to being a portion of the background. 

  • Your Metal’s in the Mail. The elephant in this room is honest guttural vocals and real blast beats. I am impressed most with the usage of the mild brutality. I thought it was excellent the way intervals of consecutive metal jamming was applied to manipulate the direction of listening flow; very much so a common trait of Noise. Aside from that, I did want to remark upon that the drums and guitar being so clean and polished further allowed me to take the instruments seriously, thus probably being a catalyst for the serious vibe I kept picking up on.

  • Can You Speak Up? In addition to the mentioned brutality, this material is a bit more vocal. I like the promotion of the death metal vocal style in the material because it seemed to play a rather large role when looking at the balancing contrast of the EP. When this darker form of vocalism is pitted with a similar style of yelling or shouting, it becomes quite clear to any range of listener what the difference between abysmal grunting and “DEAR GOD HOW DID I GET HERE” yelling is.

  • Speaking of Yelling. As I stated before I found this material embodies a serious tone, but not too serious. There are aspects of the EP with their thumb on the scale. The mood is lightened up by the band’s hard throbbing funny bone. The regulation of comedy through chanting and humming is equalizing in the general energy of the material. Simultaneously, the frazzled end of the yelling spectrum was restorative to the core of the noise aspect. In addition, it’s almost needless to say that you can look forward to a healthy dose of lewd. You will hear the word “cock” several times, I guarantee it.

Ultimately. This EP is outstanding even in its own realm. What I mean by outstanding is that it is doing other things and driving in its own lane. It is certainly interesting no matter how you peer at it, especially in regards to a progressive noise band. Personally, I felt like this EP was uniquely avant garde.  

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